
类别:耽美小说       作者:刀刺     书名:悍青日话
    悍青日话 作者:刀刺




    stair;to heaven,天堂之梯,这首歌的演唱者robert被摇滚杂志奉为摇滚史上最伟大的声音,而这首歌的作曲者和主音吉他手,关于这首歌的演绎也在《摇滚吉他solos一百名》里排名首位。




    there's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold 有一位姑娘她相信闪光的都是金子

    and she's buying a stair;to heaven她想买一架通往天堂的阶梯

    &here she kno;ores are all closed她明白即使商店都已关门

    with a word she bsp;get ;she bsp;for只要轻启朱唇她就能得到所要的东西

    ooh ooh and she's buying a stair;to heaven她想买一架通往天堂的阶梯

    there's a sig she ;to be sure墙上分明有告示但她却想打听确实

    'bsp;you kno;imes ;wo meanings因为你知道有些词一语双关

    ihe brook there's a songbird who sings在溪边的树上有只鸟儿在歌唱

    &imes all hts are misgiven有时我们所有的想法都值得重新思量

    ooh it makes me wonder这使我迷茫

    ooh it makes me wonder这使我迷茫

    there's a feeling i& when i look to the&眺望西方一种感觉油然而生

    and my spirit is bsp;f我的心灵哭喊着想要离去

    in my thoughts i have seen rings h&rees我臆想树林中烟雾袅绕

    and the voibsp;of those who standing looking伴随着那些眺望者发出的呼喊

    ooh it makes me wonder这使我迷茫

    ooh it really makes me wonder这真的使我迷茫

    and it's whispered that soon消息会被迅速地悄声传开

    if ;bsp;the tune如果我们也有掌调的机会

    &he piper will lead us to reason吹笛人会为我们指点迷津

    and a ne;will dawn for those who stand long新的一天为那些坚守许久的人们而破晓

    and the&s will ebsp;with laughter森林也答以带笑的回音


    if there's a bustle in yerow don't be alarmed now如果灌木中传来喧嚷别惊慌

    it's just a spring bsp;for the may queen那只是为五月皇后而做的春季扫除

    &here&;you bsp;go by有两条路你可以选择

    but in the long run然而长远点说

    there's still&o bsp;the road you're on你仍有机会改变现在的路

    and it makes me wonder这使我迷茫


    your head is humming and it won't go你脑袋嗡嗡作响经久不绝

    in bsp;you don't know因为你不知道

    the pipers bsp;you to join him那是吹笛人邀你与他同行

    dear lady bsp;you&he wind blow亲爱的姑娘你能听见风起的声音吗

    and did you know你可知道

    your stair;lies on the whispering wind你的天堂之梯就横亘在这飒飒风中





    - 肉肉屋